"Gurukul is a place where celebration begins with right words
in the blossoming minds creating a gateway of possibilities.
Creating an enlightened civilization with yogic body and vedic mind.”
~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda
The NithyanandaGurukul is a mystical Vedic school established by H.H. Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda.
Here students live their highest potential and manifest various spiritual powers.
Contemporary Education
The NithyanadaGurukul
“The current system of education established by Macaulay and Max Muller in India is the ‘non-involving narrative style’ of teaching. The original Indian education system was not aboutcontinuously giving words, ideas, concepts, theories or theologies. It was about awakening youto the right context – Enlightenment. The Indian Education System – the Gurukul - is more of a‘transmission’ of the knowledge, rather than mere ‘transfer’ of knowledge.
My Gurukul kids willnot use their body as a ‘PC’ that merely processes information that is fed to it. They will functionas the ‘internet’, accessing knowledge from the cosmic archives and having their own inventionsand discoveries’’
Understand education means putting set of ideas into your head and forcing you to conform toit. Pressurizing you to memorize it and forcibly making you vomit. In gurukul there is no education’, there is only initiations. Initiation means empowering youwith powers and letting you play with it and letting you manifest your specialization and letting you grow and glow. There is only one thing SHAKTIPADA that is all. Constantly you are empowered, asked to explore.”
~ Paramahamsa Nithyanada
Empowering Education
The Gurukul functions according to Swamiji’s vision that Education is for life, but life itself is not foreducation.
The Gurukul brings to the world the right kind of education that empowers you.
“Understand, breaking restrictive patterns and making you manifest your ultimate reality is Sadashiva’sEducation”
~ Paramahamsa Nithyanada