एतन् निर्विद्यमानानाम्इ च्छताम् अकुतो-भयम्
योगिनां नृप निर्णीतं हरेर् नामानुकीर्तनम्
etan nirvidyamānānām icchatām akuto-bhayam
yogināṁ nṛpa nirṇītaṁ harer nāmānukīrtanam
O King, constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord after the ways of the great authorities is the doubtless and fearless way of success for all, including those who are free from all material desires, those who are desirous of all material enjoyment, and also those who are self-satisfied by dint of transcendental knowledge.
Source- Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, chapter 1, verse 11.
Experience at Nithyananda Gurukul
To give Gurukul Balasanths the highest experience of a golden childhood, SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam personally designs every detail of the Nithyananda Gurukul. They get molded toward the highest purpose in life. Their minds and bodies are made perfect for expressing the state of Paramashiva and manifesting immense shaktis.

Aligning the Body and Mind
Why do we follow the morning routine?
Early in the morning, 4:30 AM, when you get up, pour cold water, and finish the Pancha kriya, go and sit in front of that Shiva Linga. Sit and connect with Sadāshiva:
“Oh Paramashiva, I know you are the Origin of everything. You are everything and this Linga. You are in this body. You are the source for both. Let me connect with you. Let you reveal yourself to me. Let me be in the Bhāva Samādhi of You, Shivoham.”
When you sit in that Bhāva and do the action of Rudrabishekam. Bhāva Samādhi becomes possibility. I tell you, it is this Bhāva Samādhi, which is the juiciest moment of life. Until you experience this Bhāva Samādhi, only sex will be the juiciest point in life, the juiciest experience in your life, you will run only after that.
Only Bhāva Samādhis can give you a higher taste in life. Higher joy in life. Higher Consciousness in life. Then after that, whether you want to have physical joys or don’t want to have is up to you, but without having the Bhāva Samādhi if you're enjoying only the physical pleasures, it will be so suffocating.
Bhava Samadhi- Embodied States of Consciousness- will awaken such amazing doors about the life you.

A glimpse of the Balasanths' schedule
Nithyananda Yoga
Yoga is an essential component of the daily morning routine. The purpose of yoga is to align the body to cosmic geometry. SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has personally put together a series of asanas from ancient scriptures like the Yogapada of Agamas, Shiva samhita, Hatayoga pradipika and more.Guru Puja and Shiva Puja
SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam explains that puja is the fastest way to fall into the space of Bhava Samadhi, the beautiful space of feeling the connection to your guru. This process naturally establishes one into Bhava Samadhi as the context from which all subsequent actions are made.Nithya Keerthan
Sattvik Ananda means – any activity which comes from non-violence, joy coming from the activity of non-violence. A joyful person will be always highly efficient and integrated. If Sattvik Ananda were in people’s lives, the whole world will become integrated. When your brain does not have that coating of pitta, you will not believe suffering is your innate tendency and you will simply know the simple strategy for life is integrity.Satsang
Nithya Satsang is the time when SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam initiates the Balasanths into the greatest truths of life. Swamiji says that even sitting with him and listening to the Satsang, you will be in entanglement – Shaktinipaata, you will manifest powers.Vedic Chanting
Chanting Veda mantras activates dormant parts of the brain. Scientific research shows that even people with extremely high IQ use only a low percentage of the brain. When the Veda mantras are chanted, the brain's capacity to remember increases.Paaka shastra
One of the most influential parts of our lives is food. As the saying goes, "What you eat is what you become." Nithyananda Gurukul Balasanths are taught to cook as per the instructions of Paramashiva, so they are always in a state of higher consciousness.Poojas at the temple
The most celebratory and essential part of Balasanths day is doing Poojas and Homas at the temple. The deities in the temple are energized directly by Swamiji. By this, the temple is in a high frequency, and when we are in high-frequency, we get healed, our wishes get fulfilled, and ultimately we transcend to the space of Paramashiva.Agama and Shastra Classes
The Agamas are the applied science of the Vedas. It gives us instructions on how to do Pooja, lifestyles, governance, and how to build a temple.Sanskrit Class
Learning Sanskrit is very important. SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam says that "if you start thinking in Sanskrit, you will be Enlightened." When you think in Sanskrit, your thoughts get subdued and you are positivity conscious.Manifestation of powers
Manifestation of powers is not doing magic or miracles. It is a technic to transcend this material world, and from that high state of consciousness, manifestations that happen are called shaktis. From that state, everything is possible.leadership training
Being a leader is a fundamental aspect of life. The goal of life is not to be a slave. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Balasanths get trained to manage events, organize temple rituals, and conduct programs. and work with large groups.Academics
In Nithyananda Gurukul, students are free from the pressures of exams, piers, or teachers and provide a place for students to enjoy learning. Balasanths are taught how to download information and excel without stress.Passion time
Passion time is when the Balasanths explore their hobbies like dancing, singing, making jewelry, Vedic sports, and a lot of other fun activities.Vaakyartha Sadas
Getting a deeper understanding of the truths of life is essential as it grows as the backbone which supports you. Balasanths participate in Vaakyartha Sadas and discuss what Swamiji spoke in the Satsang.Social Media Training
Balasanths are taught to interact with the world's largest city, the internet. The most effective way to tell the world something is through social media. As Balasanths evolve into the leaders of tomorrow, they learn how to build their brand and methods to spread the high truths of life to the world.Agriculture
At Nithyananda Gurukul, Balasanths learn to grow plants organically. There are many benefits to growing plants. When your hands contact the soil, good bacteria get onto your skin and boost your immune system. In addition, the earth is like our mother, so when walking barefoot on the ground, the earth adds all the nutritional supplements you need for your health to the plants. and when that plant is eaten, your body becomes healthy.Goshala
Goshala is a Hindu shelter for cows and bulls. In Hinduism, cows are respected and worshiped as a mother. SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam says when you take care of a cow, the cow can feel and sense the nutrients your body needs. And when you drink that cow's milk, your body will be in perfect health.